Representative Publications
​Evans, T.C., Carlson, J.*, Fry, R., Agnoli, S., Zuberer, A., Jagger-Rickels, A., Britton, J., DeGutis, J., & Esterman, M. (2024). Characterizing the psychometric properties and generalizability of a novel social approach-avoidance paradigm. Motivation and Emotion. 1-17.
Evans, T.C., Esterman, M., & Britton, J.C. (2023) Social avoidance behavior modulates implicit and explicit motivational responses to social reward-threat conflict: A preliminary fMRI study. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience. 23(1), 42-65.
Evans, T.C., Taylor, C.T., & Britton, J.C. (2021). Characterizing the time course of automatic action tendencies to affective facial expressions and its dysregulation in social anxiety disorder. Journal of Anxiety Disorders.​
Evans, T.C. & Britton, J.C. (2020). Social avoidance behavior modulates automatic avoidance actions to social reward-threat conflict. Cognition and Emotion, 34:8, 1711-1720
All Publications
Kirsch, L., Evans, T.C., Fry, R., Campbell, Alison, DeGutis, J., (in press). Social Interaction Anxiety in Developmental Prosopagnosia: Prevalence, Severity, and Individual Differences. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology.
Evans, T.C., Carlson, J.*, Fry, R., Agnoli, S., Zuberer, A., Jagger-Rickels, A., Britton, J., DeGutis, J., & Esterman, M. (2024). Characterizing the psychometric properties and generalizability of a novel social approach-avoidance paradigm. Motivation and Emotion. 1-17.
DeGutis, J., Kirsch, L., Evans, T. C., Fry, R., Lee, D. J., Mishra, M., & Campbell, A. (2024). Perceptual heterogeneity in developmental prosopagnosia is continuous, not categorical. Cortex, 176, 37-52.
Rubin, M., & Evans, T.C. (2024). COVID-19 Related Loss is Reliably Associated with Attentional Capture and Facilitation by COVID Related Stimuli: Evidence from the Emotional Stroop Dilution Task. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 48(3), 435-443.
Loomis, A. M., Evans, T. C., Grasso, D. J., & Briggs-Gowan, M. (2023). Improved reliability of dot probe measures with response-based computation: an application with young violence-exposed children. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 47(6), 968-979.
Jagger-Rickels, A., Stumps, A., Rothlein, D., Evans, T.C., Lee, D., McGlinchey, R., DeGutis, J., & Esterman, M. (2023). Aberrant connectivity in the right amygdala and right middle temporal gyrus before and after a suicide attempt: Examining markers of suicide risk. Journal of affective disorders, 335, 24-35.
DeGutis, J., Agnoli, S., Gaudet, C. E., Stumps, A., Kim, S., Evans, T. C., Jagger-Rickels, A., Milberg, W., McGlinchey, R., Fortier, C., & Esterman, M. (2023). Inhibitory control and alcohol use history predict changes in posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms. Neuropsychology, 37(8), 907–922.
DeGutis, J., Agnoli, S., Bernstein, J. P., Jagger-Rickels, A., Evans, T. C., Fortier, C. B., McGlinchey, R., Milberg, W., & Esterman, M. (2023). Poorer inhibitory control uniquely contributes to greater functional disability in post-9/11 veterans. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 38(6), 944-961.
DeGutis, J., Bahierathan, K., Barahona, K., Lee, E., Evans, T. C., Shin, H. M., Mishra, H.M., Likitleruang, J., & Wilmer, J. B. (2023). What is the prevalence of developmental prosopagnosia? An empirical assessment of different diagnostic cutoffs. Cortex, 161, 51-64.
Evans, T.C., Esterman, M., & Britton, J.C. (2023) Social avoidance behavior modulates implicit and explicit motivational responses to social reward-threat conflict: A preliminary fMRI study. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience. 23(1), 42-65.
Evans, T.C., Alonso, M.R.*, Rothlein, D., Jagger-Rickels, A., Zuberer, A., Bernstein, J., Fortier, C., Fonda, J., Villalon, A., Jorge, R., Milberg, W., McGlinchey, R., DeGutis, J., & Esterman, M. (2022). PTSD symptomatology selectively impairs sustained attention ability and dorsal attention network synchronization. Neuroimage: Clinical. 12(1), 262.
Jagger-Rickels, A., Rothlein, D., Stumps, A., Evans, T.C., Bernstein, J., Milberg, W., McGlinchey, R., DeGutis, J., & Esterman, M. (2022) An executive function subtype of PTSD with unique neural markers and clinical trajectories. Translational Psychiatry. 12(1), 262.
Fry, R., Li, X., Evans, T.C., Esterman, M.S., Tanaka, & J., DeGutis, J (2022). Investigating the influence of autism spectrum traits on face recognition in developmental prosopagnosia. Autism and Developmental Disorders.
Evans, T.C., DeGutis, J., Rothlein, D., Jagger-Rickels, A., Yamashita, A., Fortier, C., Fonda, J., Milberg, W., McGlinchey, R., & Esterman, M. (2021). Punishment and reward normalizes error-related cognitive control in PTSD by modulating salience network activation and connectivity. Cortex.
Meissel E. E., Letkiewicz, A. M., Liu, H., Stevens, E. S., Evans, T. C., Britton, J. C., & Shankman, S. A. (2021). The reliability and validity of response-based measures of attention bias. Cognitive Therapy and Research.
Evans, T.C., Taylor, C.T., & Britton, J.C. (2021). Characterizing the time course of automatic action tendencies to affective facial expressions and its dysregulation in social anxiety disorder. Journal of Anxiety Disorders.
Stumps, A., Jagger-Rickels, A., Rothlein, D., Evans, T.C., Park, H., DeGutis, J., Fortenbaugh, F., Fortier, C., Fonda, J., Milberg, W., McGlinchey, R., Esterman, M. (2020). Connectome-based functional connectivity markers of suicide attempt. Journal of Affective Disorders.
Evans, T.C., Bar-Haim, Y., Fox, N.A., Pine, D.S., & Britton, J.C. (2020). Neural mechanisms supporting heterogeneous expression of threat-related attention in social anxiety. Behaviour Therapy and Research.
Evans, T.C. & Britton, J.C. (2020). Social avoidance behavior modulates automatic avoidance actions to social reward-threat conflict. Cognition and Emotion, 34:8, 1711-1720
Stocks, E. L., Lopez-Perez, B., Oceja, L., & Evans, T. (2019). Five (plus or minus one): The point at which an assemblage of individuals is perceived as a single, unified group. Journal of Social Psychology.
Evans, T.C., Rodriguez, A. M.*, & Britton, J.C. (2019). Sympathetic and self-reported threat reactivity in social anxiety: Modulation by threat certainty and avoidance behavior. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment.
Weintraub, M.J., Weisman de Mamani, A., Villano, W.J., Evans, T.C., Millman, Z.B., Hooley, J.M., & Timpano, K.R (2019). Affective and physiological reactivity to emotional comments in individuals at high risk for psychosis. Schizophrenia Research.
Evans, T.C., Walukevich, K., Seager, I., & Britton, J.C. (2018). A psychometric comparison of anxiety-relevant attention measures. Anxiety, Stress, & Coping.
Evans, T.C. & Britton, J.C. (2018). A novel response-based analysis of the dot-probe task: Improving the psychometric properties of attention measures. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry.
Britton, J.C., Dellarco, D.V., & Evans, T.C. (2017) Reducing pediatric anxiety through training: An integrative neurocognitive approach. Current Behavioral Neuroscience Reports, 4:231-253.
Xiong, K., Evans, T.C., & Sass, S.M. (2017) Attention training in anxiety using attention bias modification and electrophysiology methods. SAGE Research Methods Cases.
Evans, T.C., Walukevich, K., & Britton, J.C. (2016) Vigilance-avoidance and disengagement are differentially associated with fear and avoidant behaviors in social anxiety. Journal of Affective Disorders, 199:124-131.
Sass, S.M., Evans, T.C., Xiong, K., Mirghassemi, F., Tran, H., & Tea, H. (2016) Attention training to pleasant stimuli in anxiety. Biological Psychology.
Britton, J.C., Evans, T.C., & Hernandez, M.V. (2014) Looking beyond fear and extinction learning: Considering novel treatment targets for anxiety. Current Behavioral Neuroscience Reports, 1(3), 134-143.
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